Ekipi Ynë

Takoni Ekipin e Activ-it

Pas çdo suksesi në fitnes qëndron një trajner i përkushtuar. Ekipi ynë bashkon vite përvojë, njohuri të thelluara dhe një pasion të sinqertë për të ndihmuar të tjerët të arrijnë qëllimet e tyre. Çdo trajner i certifikuar është përzgjedhur jo vetëm për aftësitë teknike, por edhe për talentin e tyre për të motivuar, udhëhequr dhe mbështetur anëtarët në çdo hap të rrugës së tyre drejt suksesit në fitnes.


Owner & Director of Training

Founder and Manager at Activ, works closely with the team and members for a great fitness experience. Certified as a personal trainer, with a primary focus on training management and programming. Certified in FMS and TRX, provides in-depth knowledge of the latest training methodologies. The main objective is to ensure that every member feels valued and receives the best care in fitness.


Personal Trainer

Graduated from the Sports University of Tirana as well as Master Professional Fitness Trainer. Also certified as a Personal Trainer by the American company ISSA. With an experience of 6 years in the field of fitness in several disciplines.


Personal Trainer

I graduated from the Sports University of Tirana and am certified as a personal trainer. I have 4 years of experience in the disciplines of Kickboxing, Crossfit and Fitness. I am characterized by excellent communication with clients and determination to achieve results.

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